Trade Skillz Shelter

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Construction has started on our Trade Skillz shelter – a covered area for our Hard As Nailz course and a space to learn basic car maintenance. The Young People have helped assemble the roof structure and the plastic sheeting will go on next week.

After School Clubs

Posted by & filed under BASE after school club.

Our new After School Clubs for 10-12s (BASE) and 13-15s (CONNECT) open after half term. These will be held in St George’s Community Centre, The Bethany Centre and YMCA Crewe. Ring 01270 257673 for more info.  

There’s No Stopping the WhistleStop Café!

Posted by & filed under WhistleStop Café.

Our new social enterprise is really taking off – customers from local businesses are enjoying freshly made sandwiches, paninis and jacket potatoes at great prices. The WhistleStop Café is open Monday to Friday, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. Main meals are just £2.50, or a £3.50 “meal deal” includes chocolate or crisps and drink as…

Making movies at the YMCA

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Last week as part of our movie maker programme our young people set to work making their own film, after a great deal of discussion and exploration they came up with the theme of legal highs. They wanted the film to be as true to life as possible while also conveying the current issues.  ‘Right…

Operation Christmas Child

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The Girls from the YMCA spent a morning making Operation Christmas Child boxes for the “Samaritans Purse” charity and then went out for lunch to The Old Manor to discuss more fundraising opportunities.    

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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9 of the girls living at 189 had a great evening baking Mars bar crispy cakes and swimming at the local leisure centre. We love our “girls’ days”!

After School Club

Posted by & filed under BASE after school club.

We had over 20 local kids at our new BASE After School Club last night. The 10-14 year olds played games, got support with their homework and had their tea.

YMCA Crewe providing new service for people leaving hospital

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YMCA Crewe have been successful in securing  a grant to ensure that no-one who  is admitted or discharged from hospital ends up on the streets or homeless. Our local hospitals and Housing Options Team in Cheshire East  have always done what they can to ensure that this does not happen.  YMCA Crewe have now got…

Training week for WhistleStop Café

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The WhistleStop Café opens at the end of September. This will be open every week day from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm, offering a range of freshly made sandwiches and salads, as well as drinks, crisps and chocolates. Opens to public next Monday!