Seven young people living at YMCA Crewe have been selected to take part in a six week football training camp at Manchester City Training Centre, starting in April. Well done guys!
Seven young people living at YMCA Crewe have been selected to take part in a six week football training camp at Manchester City Training Centre, starting in April. Well done guys!
Residents at the YMCA build up Talent Points through volunteering and engaging in training activities; these points can be “cashed in” for equipment or courses that will improve employment prospects. Recently Leif took a series of driving lessons and passed his test with flying colours. Congratulations Leif!
Great to have Steve teaching on our popular new Motor Mechanics course – young people are learning to strip and build a car.
YMCA Crewe are supporting the Churches Together in Crewe Night Shelter for the second year running. Every night, from Mid January to the end of February, different churches open their doors for people who are experiencing homelessness. A YMCA staff member supports two volunteers up until midnight to assess and oversee up to 12 overnight…
On 17th December, the day of the announcement of her appointment as the first female bishop in the Church of England, Libby Lane visited YMCA Crewe to meet with journalists and residents. She had a tour of the facilities, laid a brick in the Hard as Nailz session and chatted with residents, showing a genuine…
BRIDGES is a new project that provides accommodation for 16 to 17 year olds who need a few days of emergency accommodation whilst their longer term housing and support needs are assessed. Bridges is funded by Cheshire East Children and Families who will be responsible for referrals into the project. YMCA Crewe has designed two…
We’re changing the way we think at YMCA Crewe! The “Support Office” has been dismantled and replaced with the GLO Room – a space for young people to be creative, be inspired and think about life.
Our Health Adventures got off to a great start, with a health-on-a-budget cooking demo, balloon popping team building activities and a bit of “Insanity” training with Chad for those with more energy!
We’re ready to launch our Health Adventures on 30th June as part of the Foyer Fed’s Healthy Conversations. Young people focusing on health assets rather than deficits.
The WhistleStop Café is now serving salad grown in our very own allotment.