Your licence agreement gives full details of our house rules at 189, but you can’t go far wrong if you:

  • Respect your neighbours
  • Keep the noise down and don’t disturb others
  • Don’t get drunk or use illegal drugs
  • Aren’t violent
  • Respect your home – don’t damage stuff
  • Make sure your visitors keep the rules

We have clear rules about:


  • Must not threaten to physically hurt anyone
  • Must not physically hurt anyone
  • Must not use unkind language about anyone, particularly relating to their race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability
  • Must not bring any weapons or anything that looks like a weapon on site


  • Must not be in a state of intoxication where you are a disturbance to the staff or other residents, or cause damage to the building
  • Must not bring an amount of alcohol onsite unless the duty officer agrees it
  • Must not use drugs (including legal highs) on site
  • Must not store drugs or paraphernalia (including grinders and bongs) on site

Visitors must be over 16 and bring I.D.

You can only have 2 visitors

Visitors cannot sign in between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.

All visitors must leave by midnight

Visitors must stay with the resident they have signed in with

You are responsible for making sure they follow all the rules in this code of conduct

Visitors cannot bring or drink alcohol on site

Curfew is 12:30 a.m. Sunday to Thursday, and 2:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday


Curfew means you can’t:

  • Be in anyone else’s room
  • Knock on doors
  • Be in the kitchens
  • Be in the games lounge
  • Make any noise

You can’t make noise at any time that might disturb other people

When downstairs, you must be suitably dressed in the opinion of the duty officer. This means:

  • No pyjamas, dressing gowns or slippers
  • Shoes must be worn

Do not lend anyone your fob.

Do not leave your fob with anyone other than reception.

Only FOUR people are allowed in a room (including you!)

Only FIVE people are allowed in an apartment (including you!)