Thank you Virtual Marathon participants!

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On Sunday 4th October, individuals and teams ran, walked and cycled 26.2 miles to raise money to support our work with young people at risk of homelessness. Considering the tough times we’re living in, we set a modest target of £500 for the event, but even with sponsorship still coming in, we’re looking to have…

Welcome back to our Children and Families Activities!

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Since the middle of March our Children and Family services have been on pause while the team explored ways to bring the sessions back safely, ensuring the wellbeing of children, parents and YMCA staff. While our full schedule of clubs and meet ups are on hold for a little longer, starting from Monday 14th September…

We’re hosting our first virtual marathon!

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Have you ever wanted to run London Marathon for charity, but been put off by the minimum sponsorship required? On Sunday 4th October, the same day as London Marathon, YMCA Crewe will host our own virtual charity marathon with a difference. No participation fees, no minimum sponsorship amount, just an opportunity for people from all…

Virtual Tour of YMCA Crewe

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We aren’t able to give visitors and potential staff, residents and volunteers a “real life” tour of YMCA Crewe at the moment, so we put together a virtual tour which we hope gives people an idea of how great our building and facilities are. Please click on this link and have a look round!

Sowing Seeds for the Future

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With the combination of the recent sunny weather, and the restrictions on being outside easing, some of our residents have been hard at work on our external allotment. As well as offering an opportunity to learn how to grow plants and vegetables, our GLO Earth allotment will hopefully provide food for our community cafe, and…

YMCA: We’re Here For You

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YMCA England and Wales have recently released a short video about their work throughout the lockdown. You can watch it here: YMCA We’re Here For You Video. “As we support our young people and communities through this most difficult of times, all we ask of our friends and supporters is that you do what you…

Rainbow Days

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Residents and staff are coming up with brilliantly creative ways to keep busy during lockdown – see our Facebook page for a video of Rachel’s Courtyard Quiz. Amazing artwork also being done – rainbow themed, and getting over the essential messages!


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Please note due to the risks presented through coronavirus, YMCA Crewe have suspended the following services until further notice:- – Our Children’s Clubs across Crewe– Our Parenting Groups across Crewe– Our Sherbourne Road Community Bungalow is closed for use or for hire, as directed by Cheshire East Connected Communities Please contact us on 01270 257673…

Grant from Steve Morgan Foundation

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YMCA Crewe have received a grant of £90,000 pounds over three years from the Steve Morgan Foundation to fund an Employability Worker in its main site at Gresty Road, Crewe. The cheque was presented by Vincent Fairclough of the Steve Morgan Foundation to YMCA staff during a visit by Councillor Barry Burkhill, Mayor of Cheshire…