Making movies at the YMCA

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Last week as part of our movie maker programme our young people set to work making their own film, after a great deal of discussion and exploration they came up with the theme of legal highs. They wanted the film to be as true to life as possible while also conveying the current issues.  ‘Right…

Operation Christmas Child

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The Girls from the YMCA spent a morning making Operation Christmas Child boxes for the “Samaritans Purse” charity and then went out for lunch to The Old Manor to discuss more fundraising opportunities.    

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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9 of the girls living at 189 had a great evening baking Mars bar crispy cakes and swimming at the local leisure centre. We love our “girls’ days”!

Training week for WhistleStop Café

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The WhistleStop Café opens at the end of September. This will be open every week day from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm, offering a range of freshly made sandwiches and salads, as well as drinks, crisps and chocolates. Opens to public next Monday!