21 October 2013

Last week as part of our movie maker programme our young people set to work making their own film, after a great deal of discussion and exploration they came up with the theme of legal highs. They wanted the film to be as true to life as possible while also conveying the current issues.  ‘Right Angle’ was the final result, a short film that explores the world of ‘Legals’ and delivers a powerful message about the dangers and also the consequences of using them. The story unfolds through a small group of friends who are introduced to legal highs, at first they appear  fun and exciting but as the film progresses it follows their journey into complete chaos and begins to demonstrate the kind of destruction they can cause.

The group had lots of fun learning new skills like story boarding, script writing, filming, editing as well as acting techniques and performance skills.

The film will be premiered at the YMCA on Friday 8th November at 4pm.
