13 February 2023

We are launching an exciting new partnership with Sandbach based company Bathgate Silica Sand, part of the wider Bathgate Group, which will offer a life changing opportunity to a young person experiencing homelessness.

Having supported our work for a number of years, part of Bathgate’s support this year will be used to launch a new scheme in which they will help one YMCA Crewe resident to realise their ambition of attending University.

For many of the young people living at YMCA Crewe, the hidden costs of working towards attending University can feel insurmountable. While many young people will take on part time jobs to save money in the lead up to attending University, this can have a financial implication for students living at YMCA Crewe, who are reliant on housing benefit to cover their rent while they finish their A Levels. Trying to balance financial worries while studying can cause huge anxiety at such a crucial time in their education.

With Bathgate’s support, many of the financial needs will be covered so their transition from A levels to university life should be a smoother one. Without these additional pressures to face they will be allowed to focus on their education and a positive future.

We hope that this partnership with Bathgate Group will not only help to encourage our residents to consider Higher Education as an option for their future, but it will also help to change the narrative around the young people accessing our housing support.

Head of Housing and Support Services Becky Parke says:

“YMCA Crewe provides accommodation for individuals of all ages, genders and faiths. Each year many of the young people who come to live with us will still be in education, and have career aspirations that require a degree. We do as much as we can to ensure they stay in education, but we are limited in what we can do to support them through the financial pressures of accessing Higher Education.

This partnership will help us to ensure one resident every year is able to attend University. Our residents have fantastic goals and aspirations for the future, but don’t necessarily have the family support many of us take for granted. Alongside Bathgate, we want to give these young people the best possible start to life and help them achieve their dreams. We want to thank Bathgate for their support of our work, and the belief they have shown in the potential of our residents”

Annie McCoy, Group HR Manager at Bathgate Group says:

“We’re delighted to be supporting the YMCA again this year with its various community initiatives. We have always thought it important to encourage people to be the best they can be no matter what their situation or start in life, so this year we’re also excited to be funding a young person into university as part of a new initiative with YMCA Crewe and look forward to being part of their journey.”